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    a Boriqua woman are you still out there hello im Just looking for a fellow Boriqua like myself. Someone I can relate too. I love my island and its culture. I go to often. I am single with no and never been married. I have my own small clothing line. No issues or drama, laid back chill person. I'm really light skin, always get mistaken for being white. I like to read, travel, go out to dinners, go for drinks, and stuff like that. I'm a native New Yorker born and raised. Let's go for a dinner and drinks and lets chat its on me send me a of you and lets have a good time $$$$$$$$$$$$

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  • Cool ass chic wanted! I won't any of those < Cheshire-Smiles > Since I believe in the paranormal, like that seem a bit "too real" to me and I still have nightmares lol. I believe in most things paranormal actually. I've told this story before but right after my and I moved into our current home (he was about 4 or so) we were in my bedroom (now his room) and his back was too the wall..I was laying on the bed facing him with my back to the room. He just started staring at this place up toward the ceiling of the room. I asked him what it was and he said he saw a ghost. I just told him that ghosts can be nice creatures too and not to worry about it. Nothing like that has really happened since then.
  • Woman ready sex dating horny bitches not getting something for v-day, you ARE a bit high maintnance, whether you know it or not. Why don't you just say "Next week's our anniversary. Let's go (name your choice), or what would you like to do, lets do something fun just for us". Not like it's the most important thing in your world, either. Leave the guy alone with the cemetary thing. If he hasn't asked you to accompany him, he doesn't want you to. The gift on dead dad day is just bizarre. Your husband sounds depressed to me. Do you work and have outside interests or are you focused solely on him all the time? Lighten up, give him some space, take care of your own needs for a while, and stop trying to make him into someone he's evidently not interested in being right now. Maybe he feels inundated with your "needs". Maybe he though after marriage he didn't have to put forth the effort any more, which is sad, but happens sometimes when people are no longer on their pre-marriage best behavior. Nagging isn't going to change anything; try adjusting your expectations for a while. Yes, it's lousy that he can't work up any enthusiasm for you any more. But to me you sound very sensitive, overly so, to the point where he just doesn't give a shit anymore, he's so tired of considering your feelings and needs constantly. I could be wrong If he's changed radiy from the person you knew before you married, then he was only on his best behavior until now. This might be who he really is, and you might modify it a little, but he's not going to be captain romantic, ever. There also might be problems (financial, etc.) you're not aware of, and I'd make sure I became aware. But if he's depressed, that can really change a person's entire outlook and personality (I know of what I speak here.) Ask him if he thinks this could be the case, without accusation/tears/recriminations. He might agree to be screened for it. Maybe not. I think your counselor/therapist did a crap job, too.
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  • Woman ready sex adult swinger is great we usually work out on our own during the week (I'm a yoga/pilates and kickboxing fan, he does weights) but we run/hike/bike together on the weekends. And we also out solo w/ our group of friends (he goes out w/ the guys most thur nights, I'll go out w/ the girls after work for a bit). But we don't have our own identity in terms of clubs or anything. Since getting married, I've wanted to spend as much time w/ him as possible (despite the constant arguing over the last several months) but maybe taking a lesson or joining a bookclub would be great (sadly, soccer is out terrible injury playing in college i'm the owner of a few screws in my left ankle and a fear of injuring it again!). Again, I do appreciate your insight/time and get the gist of what you're saying/what doing this would accomplish.
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