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    Mokey from Fraggle Rock Hey, we were friends in the 80's and 90's as well. Thought I saw you the other day. Hit me up, girl.

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    Just looking for someone m4w I'm single, the girl I'd been seeing blew me off for 3 weeks straight and now says she's over it and doesn't know why. I met another girl, but after 1 night I don't think I'll see her again. I'm lonely, and I could use some company, I'd love to meet a girl that would like to start off casually, but if we started seeing each other every day or every other day, I'd hope she would be down to just start dating and get serious. If you're just looking for a nsa one time thing that's fine, I need someone to kick it with. Hit me up if you're interested.

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  • Lonely senior looking porno Rochester-upon-Medway When I was in the process of coming out, I identified as "bisexual". I was in a relationship with a woman, I was having regular sex with her, but I knew I was interested in men. I was still figuring myself out. Well, heck, after 15 years of identifying as, there's things about my sexuality that I'm figuring out or that involve some fluidity. It's more about the journey than it is about the destination. It IS a very common thing for folks to temporarily identify as bi on their way to becoming or lesbian and as human beings we are generalization-making machines, so, wondering (just a bit) about someone who identifies as bi is understandable. It's when you get into the business of assuming and claiming those assumptions are fact that you have closed your mind, started to be rude, and are risking being entirely incorrect quite often. I resent when people make absolute statements as if they are the authority of what goes on in other people's minds. Saying things like; "Bi's are just confused gays." is just plain wrong. Put a qualifier in there " Some bi's are just confused gays." I personally know a few bi's who are anything BUT confused. On the other topic? I'm partially ashamed to admit it, but I've used the term "tranny". More recently, I've been trying to use the word "trans" instead assuming that it is a more sensitive term. I don't mean it as a slight. It's just that they are convenient catch-all phrases when there are enough different terms that mean specific things and I don't really feel like tip-toeing around and trying to figure out if an individual is transexual, transvestite, cross-dressing, genderqueer or whatever. I'd rather relate to them as people, use the pronoun they seem to be seeking, and use a catch-all phrase if the topic comes up.
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